
Making you relevant. Always. Our digital advertising strategies ensure you stay at the forefront of your audience’s mind.

  • Search advertising
  • Display advertising
  • Shopping campaigns
  • Social media advertising

Search advertising

We proudly hold our Google Partners badge, and are especially chuffed about earning the Search Advertising specialisation in 2019. Pay per click advertising in search engines still remains crucial to many businesses – capturing the attention of users as they are searching for services or products is a fantastic opportunity.

Whether you are selling to businesses or directly to customers, search ads with their locality targeting settings and many bidding strategies available can really improve your brand awareness and increase your turnover.

Display advertising

There are many ways to increase brand awareness and at Fishtank we aim to look at the full marketing landscape to deliver the best possible solutions. With consumers’ eyes and attention diverted to digital, successful campaigns ensure wide presence on popular websites and apps through the means of display advertising.

We use a range of tools to ensure the display campaigns managed by us get your name out there. Partnering with millions of websites worldwide and juggling a wide range of targeting techniques we can provide effective strategies for companies of any size, whether it’s launching a start-up or promoting a million pound product.

Shopping campaigns

Ever since the Google Shopping service was introduced in 2012, e-commerce sites have been able to promote their products online directly in search results. Since then the service has grown in size exponentially and has delivered fantastic results for clients, month on month.

With numbers as high as 2000% Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) and adding anywhere between 50-90% of all online revenue to our clients’ turnovers, Google Shopping campaigns can become the foundation of your online marketing. With the right management of the shop’s feed and Google Merchant, fine-tuned targeting options and detailed insights, e-commerce businesses can ensure they still feature in the competitive online marketplace.

Social media advertising

Over 3.5 billion users are active on social media platforms globally every month. Thanks to the nature of social media and the tools offered, marketers using social advertising can target like never before. Each of the social media platforms has their own kind of audience and a unique advantage for the digital advertisers out there.

The extensive targeting opportunities allow for advertising that is more relevant to the user, while the smart retargeting options increase conversion rates. Social advertising allows for more agile, trend-driven campaigns that also drive actual social engagement. Whether it’s display ads, promoted posts, in-video advertising or any other form of social marketing, we can mix and match the effective techniques to find the best method for achieving your results.

Challenging thinking delivers results

0 m

ad clicks

for our clients

0 m

ad impressions


> 0

business leads

driven every month

£ 0 m

sales from ads



calls from ads

A. Leadbeater Transport

0 k

social users reached

Carpet & Vinyl Showroom