Supporting sustainability with the Tubex Collection & Recycling programme
It’s key that brands take responsibility for making sustainable change for the better. We feel honoured to support them in facilitating that change. The Tubex Collection and Recycling Programme was born due to an evident customer need, established from conversations with Tubex distributors and end-users. Tubex realised its target audience demanded more accountability and initiative to address the issue of plastic waste.
The Brief
The Tubex initiative - 1st of its kind to be launched in the UK - offers a simple and effective solution to recycling plastic and ensures responsible disposal of used tree shelters within reach for everyone in the UK, maximising their potential by repurposing them into tree shelters.
From the start, our aim was to build awareness of the programme and its benefits with an integrated marketing campaign. The budget for this campaign was limited - that’s why it was important that we delegate the budget effectively and utilise it across multiple channels in order to achieve the campaign objectives set out by the client.
The Solution
We developed a dedicated page within the Tubex website, aimed at engaging the key audience through impactful data, strong USPs, featuring the created video and a short lead form. Once developed, the page was added to the site and promoted via a targeted e-flyer campaign as well as associated social and PPC campaigns - driving key users to visit and leave their details. Users that submitted enquiries received a branded information pack including brochures and programme details.
We began our strategic approach by creating bespoke infographics to showcase how the initiative is effective. A visual impact was achieved that encouraged the onboarding of new recycling partners by creating and promoting an engaging video, explaining the recycling and collection process and conveying the message of sustainability in a simple way. We know from experience that audiences’ attention span is short-lived so an impactful visual approach was required to maximise engagement.
Despite the niche audience of the campaign, the strong goals and sustainable mission were bound to attract media attention - thus, the campaign included an integrated PR strategy from Golin PR agency, aimed to reach ultimate awareness and spread the positive message with an impact.
Achieving TV coverage was the ultimate dream goal and it was incredibly rewarding to see the Tubex Recycling and Collection programme being featured on BBC Look North’s 6 pm evening news.
The strategy behind the success of this campaign lead us to be nominated for both the Examiner Business Awards and the Prolific North Marketing Awards in these categories respectively: "Creative Impact" and "Best Social Purpose Campaign". Nominated alongside well-established brands such as Channel 4 and The Body Shop, we were proud to see this project and its results receiving such amazing industry recognition.
We're delighted to say this project ultimately won us the Creative Impact Award and you can read about the fantastic experience here:
The KPI's
Digital Ad
Tubex Shelters
0 kg
Collected & Recycled